So do I really look like any of these people? Facebook's facial recognition software thinks so but I think it leaves something to be desired. However, it's an indication of what might be possible some day. I really want some kind of software that identifies people in pictures so that I can organize the mess of pictures that we've taken since the invention of the scanner and the digital camera. I estimated the other day that we have something on the order of 20,000 pictures. At the rate of say 30 seconds each to; identify who is in the picture (likely multiple people), when & where the picture was taken, record that information so it's associated with the picture file, etc. would take approximately 168 hours (the number of hours in a whole week working 24/7). That will never happen without some way to automate the process. I'm still looking for a good way to do it.
"Anything you can't spell will never work." --Will Rogers