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Showing posts from April 1, 2007

Climate of Opinion -

I think about Global Warming from the point of view of one who experienced and was deeply moved by both the ecstasy and later the agony associated with Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring" in 1962 and The Club of Rome's dire predictions in their 1972 classic "Limits To Growth." Since those early days, I've also had many debates with both; (a) my friends who some call "radical" environmentalists, and (b) the hard core conservatives I also hang around with. I find myself in the middle. That's why Jenkins article in the WSJ today struck a nerve with me. Few of us have the time to do the hard science (even if we are capable of it) and so; 'Who are we to believe about Global Warming and the like?' I believed Rachel Carson back in the 1960's because I wanted to believe her. And, because I had personal experience with being doused with DDT as a child from government trucks that rolled through our neighborhood and smoke-bombed us. How co...