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Showing posts from June 17, 2007

Bloomberg For President?

I would like to see the next President be a person who can "unite the country" is also a "competent manager" and can work not only "across party lines" but Internationally, in a non-partison and diplomatic way, to get things done. So what else is new, who wouldn't? Zobgy makes the argument that Bloomberg could be such a "leader" that his polls show 80% of Americans want. In some ways I wish it were true, I wouldn't mind voting for an independent and sending both parties a little message to clean up their act. But I doubt that it is true because the American people themselves are so sharply divided. And, the election process is not the place from which unity naturally flows because the whole process is focused on the negative...what's wrong with the other guy. Nothing I'm aware of from Bloomberg gives me the slightest comfort that he's thought about how he would "unite" or "lead" or even what his priorities ...