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Showing posts from September 7, 2008

Vice President Palin

My son asked me what I thought about Sarah Palin for Vice President? I realized that I wasn't sure what I thought about it. So I thought about it. My first reaction was negative. Mainly, I questioned whether she really had the necessary experience to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency. But that's really an issue that's being framed unfairly by a lot of false dichotomies from the liberal left who simply don't like her values or fear her popular appeal from the great-unwashed. For example, take Matt Damon's "finger on the trigger" question implying that someone that's dumb enough to have religious faith and to believe in a God's creation can't be trusted to have their finger on the trigger. When you really think about that you quickly realize that it rules out just about every President or Vice-President we've ever had. And besides that, the implication that a woman like Palin would be trigger-happy is ludicrous. The opposite is far m...