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Showing posts from June 15, 2008

The Finest People I've Ever Known

Some people fit each other perfectly and are simply meant to be together. My uncle Kendall Ross and his beautiful bride Anna Rae Rowe were such a couple. Last year, after nearly sixty years of marriage, Kendal died and left Anna Rae alone for the first time in her life. It was incredibly sad and I simply cannot imagine how lonely she must have been. This past week Anna Rae died, essentially of a broken heart. We're sad that she's gone and we'll miss her very much but we're all convinced that she's in a better place now, reunited with the love of her life, her friend, her protector, her companion, her everything. They made our lives better; they helped us all grow up with a wonderful model of goodness and decency; they were both deeply respected in the community for their work ethic, their penchant for helping others and the devotion to God and the church; and they also taught us that you can be good but still have fun. Someone said once that the real measure of a p...