So what's wrong with Alito as a Supreme Court nominee according to Schumer? He's a conservative. He's not a woman or a minority. He is not "mainstream" enough [according to Schumer] like Sandra Day O'Connor. He will not [according to Schumer] "unify" the country like Sandra Day O'Connor did? So did we really need a press conference from Schumer to tell us that Bush was nominating a conservative? No, but that wasn't what this press conference was really about. Schumer is already running for President. And the most interesting message in his remarks was this: "It is an immutable law of history that when a president tries to govern from the extreme, his presidency and the country end up losing. Democrats learned this when we governed from the far left. President Bush will learn this as well." Translation...Gore/Kerry/Dean etc. couldn't win because they were too far left and Hillary is just like them. I [Schumer] am ...
"Anything you can't spell will never work." --Will Rogers