For those who are interested in the religion versus science debate, this wonderful book by Ted Peters and Martinez Hewlett is a must read. The book offers a survey of the broad history of the subject from; Darwinism and the later day neo-Darwinian idological inferences of materialist philosophy, to diesim, creationism, intelligent design and finally to "Theistic Evolution." The authors come down firmly on the side of Theistic Evolution which is basically a realistic "reconciliation of Christian Faith and evolutionary biology." They place various points of view about Theistic Evolution on a continuium via an analysis of how each deals with five defining questions; Deep Time, Natural Selection, Common Descent, Divine Action and Theodicy. And they conclude with a bold and "constructive proposal" for a "future-oriented theology of creation and its concomitant understanding of the human being as God's created co-creator."
"Anything you can't spell will never work." --Will Rogers