I made three resolutions this year:
- Stay Alive - I have type 2 diabetes. I like to eat and I don't like to exercise, but I want to stay alive long enough to see my grandchildren grow up. So in 2007 I radically changed my lifestyle and in 2008 I plan to learn to like it.
- Listen More - I do not pay enough attention to what others are saying to me. I'm often too involved in proving my point to listen properly and consequently I "tune" people out when I could really learn a lot. I am especially bad about this with Joy, my wife of forty years who I love very much, and I hereby publicly apologize.
- Write Something Every Day - It's Jan 4th and I'm already three days behind...oh well, so much for resolutions. But I don't think I'm alone. Like many others who initially enjoyed blogging and wrote a lot, it became tedious for me and was interfering with my work. However, stating your opinion in writing (in complete sentences) is a good discipline. One must think about it, develop metaphors and examples, tell stories, and do this all in one succinctly summarized post.
Finally, one more thing I should have made a resolution about and did not. That is, not to accuse others of doing annoying things without any proof. Ergo...another public apology: I suspect that I probably drank all the "good" Scotch myself and just forgot about it. So to my son Jason, who has always been truthful with me, I want to publicly apologize for off-handedly, and without thinking about it properly, suggesting that it might have been you and your friends who drank it.