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In Memoriam - Kendal Ross April 1926 - February 2007

My uncle Kendal Ross passed away on Friday, February 2, 2007 at the age of eighty. He belonged to what’s been called the “greatest generation.” In my mind, Kendal Ross not only belonged to the “greatest” generation, his life was a perfect example of what that means. In all my life, I have never known anyone that was as honest, as loving, as caring, as hard working, as dependable and just plain fun to be with as this sweet, gentle man…Kendal Ross. He served his country with honor and self-sacrifice; he worked hard to provide for his family and was proud to see his children and grandchildren educated and successful, far beyond his own modest upbringing; he was a pillar of the community in my hometown of Centertown, Kentucky; a Deacon of the little Baptist Church there he attended all his life; a rock that everyone else could always count on and who asked for nothing in return; a loving husband and father and grandfather; a man’s man that commanded respect; and the best uncle that anyone could ever have. He was my hero and my only regret is that I never thought to tell him that. I hope he knew it. I will miss him very much.

But, Kendall would have been the first to tell us that there’s really nothing sad about a day like this, there’s actually a celebration going on in heaven today for the arrival of this good man. It was my great privilege just to know him much less to have been blessed with the many, many ways in which he made my life and the lives of my loved ones better.


Anonymous said…

Great to talk with you on the phone. Great blog site!

My father flew Corsairs off Carrier Decks in the 40's. Naval Academy. He passed in October. Great Dad who led a great life. While on deck one day, he wrote the following prayer:

"Dear God Bless me that I may be a good man always, and a credit to you, the principle of right, my family, and the people and organizations I represent".

I have that framed at my home.

Look forward to working with you on any GA policy issues of concern to SA.

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